My Photo Album
Generall Class License

My Radio Room and Mobile Setup:
Mobile Antennas:Yaesu  ATAS 120 Auto Tune for FT-857D,
and Diamond CR-8900A for FT-8900R Quadband. CB Antenna is a K-40 Magmount.
2017 Ohio ARES Conference: Setting up my "Go-Box" and home brewed 2m/70cm folding Copper Cactus "J" Pole Antenna.
Home Brew HF Buddi-Pole antenna

The Trusted ICOM IC-W32A
2/440 w/tiger tail
From the CB Golden-Oldies,
The GE Digital SSB Super-
Base Model 3-5875a.
The home brewed 2/440 folding copper J-Pole that was built
with the directions as shown in the March 2005 issue of 
QST Magazine. Good for EMCOMM and other Roll-out uses.
SatEL Az-EL Model 5 Azimuth-Elevation System wired to SatEL Rotor Controller Module in test mode. Software used (Nova for Windows) with
Control program - AzELControl.exe v 5.0 and SatELNova.exe v.5.0.
In full operation Antennas used is :
2m Circular Polarized Satellite Yagi Model: 2m-5ELSat and
70cm Circlar Polarized Satellite Yagi Model: 70cm-8ELSat, which can
be viewed on my "Photo Gallery" page.
Main Radio Room
Weather Station for CWOP/CoCoRaHS Data

Dell Latitude D620 Laptop with Weather Tracking 
software. Mobile mag mount Anemometer for wind monitoring. MFJ-108B 12/24hr Dual Clock.
Cobra 29LXBT CB     --     Yaesu FT-857D
Uniden BCD536HP Digital Scanner
Yaseu FT-8900R -- In console 410w Pwr converter to run laptop.
Main Radio Room
Home brew 2m/440 in/outdoor 
birdcage rim (loop) antenna. 
Frequencies are obtained by adjusting the metal clamp along the ring.
Home brew HF indoor loop antenna.
Picks up-Local FM radio station; WWV Frequencies; 80m/60m/40m/
30m/20m/17m. This loop was taken 
from Chappy Happy's Loop; (see Chappy Happy's loop on youtube); 
but, I modified it a little.

Alinco EDX-2 Auto Tuner for Alinco EX-77
Home Brew VHF/UHF Off Centered Dipole Indoor Scanner Antenna. 
Weather Monitoring Station:  Street level viewing....Watch/Warning and Special 
Weather Statement and Alert printouts.
                             "Remember" Never Forget  --  "American Veterans Traveling Tribute"   (Cost of Freedom)
                                                                                      "July 2nd -- 5th,  2015
                                                               Twinsburg High School  --  Twinsburg, Ohio    44087