False WX Report 
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Was KC8NGL; Jay,  justified in his remarks mentioned in the E-mail sent to Bud (K8MSF) Green, (at the time), was the
EC of Ashland County,OH in reference to my FYI Announcement?   Read and decide.....You make the call.    

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Fw: Problem with Howard
From: Anne Green (anneg@zoominternet.net)
Sent: Mon 5/23/111:47 PM
To: Howard Jackson (wlwmj@arrl.net)
Hi Howard,
This is from Jay, DEe for our region. Please refrain from making reports outside of our county.
----- Original Message -----
From: J..fJJ..
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2011 1:11 PM
Subject: Problem with Howard
Please inform Howard to not give false & misleading info out on the repeaters especially the
146.940 in Mansfield. He was reported to have given a statement that we would be under a
tornado warning in about an hour as there was activity to the west of Ohio. I received 7
complaints myself this mornig from both amateurs and the public who listen to our local
repeaters. I know it was Howard as part of the call was WMJ. He is your skywam person
according to the list yo~ sent me so please inform him to not involve other counties unless the
info is direct from the NWS. His own opinion is not wanted or needed if it is this kind of stuff.
It could be considered a violation of FCC rules as it was a false and misleading statement and
he may get a warning from local 00 people including Rick Swain KK80 the Ohio OOC. Yes
Danny was going to let him know as he also had complaints. He also mentioned something
about Kris Maki too as being involved.
You have been doing a good job so far and from reports most things have improved in Ashland
so please put a stop to Howard as it reflects very poorly on amateur radio and the skywarn
program when our members say stuff they know nothing about or are to try and issue. Only the
NWS or your EMA director can issue a warning about the weather and both agencies protect
this rule 100%
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, ,
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Now; here is an e-mail I sent to a reporter of The Ashland-Times Gazette; prior to announcing the same on the Ashland 147.105 Repeater and The Richland County 146.940. Repeater. NOTE: The reporters name and e-mail address have been edited out for a reason. The key "WORD" I used at the two repeater announcements were "COULD". 

Howard Jackson: hejack2@msn.com

View profileTo @gmail.com
From: Howard Jackson (hejack2@msn.com) 
Sent: Sun 5/22/11 3:21 PM 
To: @gmail.com 

Good Afternoon; Howard here...I'm monitoring a series of storms approaching the Richland/Ashland Counties with
in two to three hours from now, or sooner.  I have your Weather Report Data E-mail set at 1 hour intervals right now. 
When we're in the Watch/Warning mode, I'll upgrade the E-mail frequency to every 10 min. (which is allowable from
the software I'm using). There are two storm build-ups. One is SSW of Ohio; which could put us in a Severe T-Storm
Warning mode; and the other is WNW of Ohio, which could put us in a Tornado Watch/Warning mode.  The storm
cell was a slow mover....and YES....The National Weather Service Cleveland......did issue .......a "Tornado Watch" for
Richland County, OH....later the next day.

Best Regards......Howard.....w1wmj.....Ashland

 PS.  A printed copy of this e-mail is available to ANYONE who cares to view it.

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